Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm here!

I arrived in Paris this morning around 11:30 AM!  The flight went by surprisingly fast, but getting off the plane was hard considering my body was still on Greenville time.  And even before we arrived the French stewardesses woke us up an hour and a half before landing to give us breakfast. So I was basically woken up at 4:00 in the morning essentially--I literally felt like a zombie.  I could barely get the word "coffee" (which I needed badly at that point) out because I felt like I just didn't have the energy to speak.  
     After the plane landed, we took a bus to Versailles and I met my French family.  My family is very sweet; my mom's name is Anne, my dad's is Xavier, and I have two sisters: Pauline and Amelie.  Pauline is my age and Amelie is 18.  They're very sweet and thankfully everyone has been really patient with me since my comprehension isn't very good yet.  They love talking about current events in the U.S. too.  They wanted to talk about the upcoming election with me as well as Hurricane Gustav (except that when they started talking to me about that, I actually thought they were talking about someone they knew named Gustav and then laughed at me when I asked them who Gustav was).  Oh well...I caught on eventually.  My computer is not working here--I can't get Internet so I am borrowing someone else's.  I hope we can figure out how to make that work so I don't have to keep borrowing this one and deal with the keyboard differences.   My new French home is much smaller than what I'm used to, but it's very cute and my room is actually a pretty good size considering how the rest of the house is set up.  It's built very vertically so everything is pretty small.  It's still cute though.  
     Tomorrow I go to Paris with everyone else on the trip where we'll stay for three nights.  So I won't be posting another blog entry until I'm back.  And now I'm too jetlagged to write anymore.  Ciao!

1 comment:

Aunt Char said...

Hey Jill,
I just got around to reading your blogs. Sounds like you are having a great time! It's great getting to meet all kinds of different people. What an experience. I envy you!

Everyone here is good. Kyle and Elyse are back in school and both are working. Uncle Kenny is still on 2nd shift and I'm still on days, which makes it hard to see each other.

Mattie is good and likes that someone is home most of the day. She gets to sleep both night and day -- what a life!

I'll try to write you once a week and hopefully will have something valuable to share.

Take care -- we love and miss you!

Aunt Char